Funny Embarrassing Questions to Ask Someone
If you want to make your friends squirm, these embarrassing questions to inquire are perfect.
We all have moments in our lives that made us cringe. It could exist a wardrobe malfunction, something that happened at school, or something our parents caught u.s.a. doing.
These most embarrassing questions will make you relive those moments and brand for some funny and interesting conversations.
Ask these embarrassing questions and watch your friend's faces contort with desperation as they relive some of their most embarrassing moments!
All-time Embarrassing Questions
1. What's the most embarrassing thing in your search history?

2. What's the virtually embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
iii. What's the well-nigh embarrassing thing you lot've said in front of someone you liked?
four. Would yous rather be caught picking your nose or scratching your bum?
5. Has your girlfriend/boyfriend always embarrassed you in front of all your friends?
vi. Have you ever been defenseless masturbating by your parents?
7. Have you ever farted so loud in class anybody heard?
viii. Take yous ever sent a dirty text bulletin to the wrong person?
9. What was the most embarrassing thing to happen to you at schoolhouse?
10. What'due south the biggest hush-hush you've ever kept from your parents?
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- Personal questions to ask
xi. Have you lot e'er had a wardrobe malfunction in public?
12. What'southward the most embarrassing experience y'all've had with a beat out?
13. What'due south the weirdest thing that'southward turned you on?
fourteen. How old were yous when you stopped sleeping with stuffed animals?
fifteen. Have you lot always waved at someone thinking they were someone y'all knew, simply to realise you didn't know them?
16. Have you ever practised kissing in the mirror?
17. If y'all could erase one past experience, what would it exist?
18. What children'south movie do you secretly love?

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19. What'due south the well-nigh embarrassing affair to happen while yous're were on a engagement?
xx. Are yous a virgin?
21. Have you lot ever walked into a wall or a streetlight?
22. Who'south one person y'all pretend to like but actually don't?
23. If you had to hook up with one of your friend'south partners, who would y'all choose?
24. Practice you sing in the shower?
25. What's the longest amount of time between you dropping something on the floor and picking it up to eat?
26. Take you ever had someone walk in on you when you were on the toilet?
27. Have you ever accidentally hit something while driving?
28. How often practice yous wash your underwear?
29. Have you e'er been caught checking someone out?
30. Have you ever posted something on social media you later regretted?
Embarrassing Questions To Ask A Guy
31. What's the worst smell you've ever smelt?
32. What part of your body exercise you wish you could change?
33. Accept you ever had a man-beat out?
34. What's the about creative insult you can come up with?
35. Do yous enjoy having a beer belly?
36. Can I give yous a makeover?

Side by side: Random questions to ask a guy
37. Take y'all ever had an STD?
38. Have you e'er lied to me?
39. Practice your work colleagues/friends have whatever nicknames for you?
40. What'due south the nigh embarrassing moment to happen to yous in public?
41. Take you ever taken a sexy picture of yourself?
42. What was the strangest thing you lot liked to consume as a child?
43. How many girls take you had sex with?
44. What score would yous give me out of 10?
45. If you lot held a world record for something, what would it exist for and why?
46. Do you talk in your sleep?
47. What'due south your idea of the perfect first date?
48. What's the worst thing you lot've done for love?
49. How many weeks could you lot last without your cellphone?
50. What video game would you most like to exist transported into?
51. What'south your biggest fashion faux pas?
52. Take you always tasted ear wax?
53. If y'all had to tell one joke to save your life, what joke would it exist?
54. What'southward the dirtiest idea you've e'er had?

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55. What's 1 app you couldn't live with?
56. What has been the biggest waste of money you've spent?
57. What's your favorite rom-com film?
58. What would be your best weekend getaway?
59. What's your worst secret?
lx. Accept y'all ever drooled in your sleep?
Embarrassing Questions To Enquire A Daughter
61. Have you ever fancied a waiter?
62. Do yous have evil-smelling feet?
63. What is the virtually embarrassing chat up line you've heard?
64. Have you stalked a trounce on social media?
65. Who'due south your favorite out of your mom and dad?
66. What's the most embarrassing affair your friends have washed while you've been there?
67. What'due south the largest corporeality of money you lot've spent on online shopping?
68. Have yous ever farted during a sports class?
69. Have you lot ever been to the toilet in nature?
lxx. When did you last shave?
71. Have you ever visited a strip club?
72. Have you ever flirted with your fellow's friends?

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73. Have y'all ever tried or been tempted to try a drug?
74. What's your most embarrassing drunken moment?
75. Take you lot ever lied about your age?
76. Have yous ever pretended to be someone famous in front of the mirror?
77. Accept yous e'er pretended yous liked someone's outfit when you really didn't?
78. Accept you ever had a beat on a teacher?
79. Accept you e'er sent a nude picture of yourself to someone you didn't hateful to?
80. What'due south the about embarrassing piece of work moment y'all've had?
Funny Embarrassing Questions
81. Describe your perfect male child/girl to me?
82. Who's the sexiest person in the room right at present?
83. Accept you lot ever been caught checking out someone else?
84. Have y'all e'er peed in the bath?
85. What'southward the most amount of burgers have y'all eaten in one sitting?
86. What would your porn star name be?
87. Do you ever trip the light fantastic when you're in the house alone?
88. Have you ever pretended to exist on the phone when you don't want to speak to a charity worker?
89. What do your favourite pyjamas await like?
90. Have yous ever been tempted to purchase something useless off the shopping channel?

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91. Do you have a favorite cuddly toy?
92. Have you ever picked food up off the flooring and put it on someone's plate?
93. Have you always used a tan enhancer?
94. Have y'all always pooped your pants?
95. What has been the most embarrassing injury you've had?
96. Do you write a diary?
97. Accept you ever had lice in your pilus?
98. What'south the well-nigh embarrassing piercing you have?
99. Do y'all speak to your pet as if they were human?
100. What'southward the best way to concord your farts in public?
101. How frequently do you change your sheets?
102. Have you ever wanted more than 1 young man/girlfriend at a time?
103. Have yous always cheated while playing a game with your friends?
104. Accept you e'er seen your grandparents naked?
105. Take you ever accidentally injured someone?
106. Have you been in trouble with the law before?
107. What historic period do you lot think I am?
108. How did you dump your last girlfriend/fellow?

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109. Am I the best lover you lot've been with?
110. Have y'all ever called me your ex's name?
111. Who'due south more important, your Mom or me?
112. Would you ditch all of your friends to be with me?
113. What's the worst meal someone has cooked for you?
114. What would exist your karaoke song? Tin can you give me a sample now?
115. Has a loved one ever missed a special occasion of yours?
116. Take you recently gained weight?
117. Would you ever talk near me behind my back?
118. Exercise you ever launder your hands after y'all've been to the bathroom?
119. If you had to make out with any Disney character, who would information technology exist?
120. Have you lot ever had terrible breath?
121. Why do y'all chew and so loudly?
123. Do you still watch cartoons?
124. Have y'all cried at a Disney film?
125. Have y'all ever drunk text someone?
126. Have yous ever told someone you loved them but didn't really hateful information technology?

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127. How much coin does your job pay?
128. What are you most self-witting about?
129. Have you ever dressed as the reverse sex?
130. Have you ever starred in an amateur adult movie?
131. What random piece of domicile article of furniture could y'all not live without?
132. Practise you still take bubble baths?
133. Who would you say are more than attractive, people from the U.s. or people from Europe?
134. If you had to describe your positives and negatives, what would they be?
135. What game practise you lot always go competitive playing?
136. What's the most expensive affair y'all've ever broken?
137. If your life was a movie, what role would the audience cringe at?
138. Would you ever consider sleeping with your brother/sisters exes?
139. Have you ever walked out of a motion-picture show at the cinema?
140. If you ran your own country, what would you call it and what title would you give yourself?
141. If you lot had to option a celebrity hairstyle to re-create, who'south would you cull?
142. Have you lot ever said something no one else constitute funny? If then what was it?
143. What's the craziest idea yous've ever had?
144. Do yous ever find yourself counting your steps? If and so, what'south the most y'all've ever washed?
145. What's something that I would never guess near you?
146. What's your strangest bug related story?
147. What piece of clothing practise people remember makes them look super cool, but it actually looks terrible?
148. What's the cheesiest thing you've said to someone?
149. What'southward your worst roommate/housemate story?
150. Have ever ripped wear in an awkward place while you've been out in public?
Looking For More than Questions?
Never take I always questions – Another list of questions that volition atomic number 82 to some embarrassing conversations.
Yeah or no questions – Quick questions with an even quicker reply. Volition lead to a fun conversation no matter who you lot ask them to.