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Do yous have or did you get an old crib? Did your kid grow out of their crib and yous never got rid of it? Yous may not know what to practice with an old crib, only that doesn't mean you accept to throw it away. Instead, consider repurposing your crib. You can repurpose a baby crib past updating an older model for reuse or creating new furniture items from old parts.

  1. 1

    Inspect secondhand cribs carefully. Your infant'due south safety is paramount. Whether you're using a hand-me-down or used crib, it's important to make sure the crib is usable. Even seemingly small things on a crib, such as a faulty latch, may harm your baby. Doing a preliminary search for any obvious issues can aid you identify potential issues, recognize if you should keep the crib, and protect your baby from damage.[1]

    • Toss a crib that has visibly broken or defective parts. For case, broken slats, missing parts, or a defective bed spring can cause serious injury to your baby. In addition, toss a crib that that has bars more than than 2 three/eight inches autonomously because they pose a strangulation take a chance.[ii]
    • Don't trust someone else or a second hand store to decide if a crib is safe. Find out for yourself, before you take an old crib.
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    Fix any issues if possible. If you practice not meet any considerable prophylactic hazards, fix any issues with the crib. Make sure to:[4]

    • Supplant missing hardware.
    • Tighten loose parts.
    • See if you can get an immobilizer or stabilizer for a drop-side crib from the manufacturer.[5]
    • Position a driblet-side crib so you don't use it.
    • Sanitize the crib.
    • Become a new crib mattress. Never use an quondam mattress.
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    Paint or stain the crib. You may not be certain of the paint source for the crib. Pb paint is mutual in older cribs. In addition, a mitt-me-down may not have non-toxic and/or baby safe paint. Remove any paint then repaint or stain the crib with non-toxic, Zero VOC, no odor and baby safe paint.[six]

    • Clean whatever dirt or crud on the crib with a moistened towel. Let it to dry completely. Sand the entire crib with medium (180#) or fine (220#) grit sandpaper. Yous can too apply a sanding sponge. Remove whatsoever sanding dust.
    • Use at least 2 coats of your paint. Look 4 hours between coats. Add a clear finish topcoat if you like. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly in a well-ventilated area before your baby occupies it. Even after the paint has dried completely, make sure that there is no lingering olfactory property. Babies have very sensitive systems, and so it is crucial to expect until the fumes have completely cleared the area.
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    Replace the mattress. Your babe volition spend a lot of time in their crib. Erstwhile mattresses can harbor allergens, take defects, and/or may non meet current prophylactic guidelines. Replacing whatsoever mattress with a brand new ane can ensure that your baby gets enough rest and stays safe.[7]

    • Buy the best quality mattress you can afford. Cull from a foam or innerspring mattress that is business firm. A house mattress volition have little to no indentation when you press into it. A soft mattress tin increase the risk for suffocation or SIDS if it conforms to your babe's head.
    • Make sure the mattress fits snugly into each corner of the crib. In that location shouldn't be any gaps between the sides of the crib and the mattress. You tin cheque this by seeing how many fingers fit in the gap. If it is more than 2, the gap is too large.[8]
  6. half-dozen

    Avoid crib decorations. Your baby just needs a canvas on the mattress to slumber. Items such as blankets, bumpers, and pillows can strangle or suffocate a baby. You should too keep toys, including stuffed animals, out of the crib. Hang whatever mobiles high enough above the crib that your baby tin't reach it. Remove any mobiles if your infant can push up on their hands and knees.[nine]

    • Do not hang apparel, blankets, decorations or anything else on the sides of your baby's crib either. They might pull them downward and this could lead to suffocation.


  1. 1

    Turn a bedspring into artwork or an organization board. You may think it's difficult to employ a bedspring. Yet, you lot tin can easily convert a bedspring into a piece of art to hang in any room. Y'all tin can too make a memo board to remind yourself of tasks to terminate.[10]

    • Cut a piece of plywood to fit around the bedspring. Blast or screw the plywood and bedspring together. Embrace the unit with a fabric of your choice.
    • Use clothespins, hangers, or strings to hang pictures, cards, notes, lists, or other items you lot want to display.
    • Another option is to clean and so spray paint the bedspring with colorful paint. Let it dry completely and then hang it up.
  2. 2

    Construct an organizer from the rails. Chances are that yous accept things around the house that may crave ameliorate system. These may include fabrics, clothing, or jewelry. You may fifty-fifty want to allow anybody in your home know what their chores are. Converting the slatted rails of your crib is a cheap and easy style to repurpose information technology.[xi]

    • Paint the rails any color you similar. Make certain to use non-toxic paint.
    • Nail hangers and clipboards or place "South" hooks on the rails so they are secure on the organizer.
    • Hang or secure the organizer past drilling through the pre-fabricated holes with long screws.
    • Personalize the rail by painting them, gluing on gems or knobs, and attaching ribbons to them to hang jewelry from.
  3. 3

    Build a tabular array or bench from the frame. A crib frame presents an excellent opportunity to construct a new table or seating. Remove one long side of the crib and add together a stable surface. Yous tin then decorate the unit as a desk, play tabular array, or system centre. Add a mattress for some comfortable seating.[12]

    • Take off either the front or dorsum track of the crib. These are the long sides of the crib. Secure a stable woods surface to the runway. Paint the table or decorate it another way you like.
    • Go along the bedspring and add a mattress if you want to utilize the frame as a bench.[thirteen]
    • Make sure to test the crib to ensure that it is stable plenty to act every bit a table or demote. You may need to reinforce it with additional materials if it is not.
  4. four

    Convert the frame into a toddler bed. If y'all take a nice crib that you would similar to continue using, consider converting it to a toddler bed. Some cribs are designed to easily convert to a toddler bed, while others require the simple installation of a universal guardrail. Checking associates instructions for your specific crib can assist you effigy out which blazon of conversion is necessary.[xiv]

    • Notice whatsoever packaging instructions that you have for your crib. This volition permit you know if it already has a build-in conversion characteristic. If y'all tin can't discover instructions for your crib at home, y'all often tin observe them online. Companies such equally Graco, Bellini, DaVinci Infant, and Child Arts and crafts provide downloadable manuals online.[15]
    • Buy a conversion kit for your crib at retailers such as Pottery Barn Kids, Walmart, Target, or fifty-fifty your local hardware store. Many of these companies also offer online videos to farther help yous in the conversion.[xvi]
    • Read the instructions or watch related videos carefully earlier yous brainstorm the crib conversion. Follow the directions from your instruction manual or conversion kit to ensure that your toddler's new bed is safe.
  5. 5

    Make a headboard from the side rail. The side runway of a crib is generally the size of a full-sized bed headboard. If you have an quondam crib that doesn't come across safety guidelines or a newer crib that you lot no longer demand, y'all can utilize the side rail to create a headboard for a total-sized adult bed.[17]

    • Purchase posts from a home comeback or hardware shop. You'll connect these to your side rail for stability. Consider getting posts that non just friction match your side rail, but that are already sanded.
    • Sand the side rail and then pigment it and the posts in a color you like. Let the paint dry and and then join the side runway to the posts with dowels. Glue the parts together, clamp them, and allow dry for 24 hours.
    • If the track has a curved side, then information technology will already look like a nice headboard. The other side of the crib should work well every bit a footboard and then yous get a cohesive look.
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    Store items in the crib. If y'all'd like to display your beautiful onetime crib or even demand some extra space, you tin can also use a crib for storage. You can repaint the crib to match new décor or just leave it in the room. Some items you lot may want to shop in your crib include:

    • Blankets or sheets
    • Linens such as towels
    • Blimp animals
    • Clothing
  7. vii

    Create a costly bed from the mattress. Your family unit members may beloved to play and laze on the floor. You may even accept animals that could use a comfy bed. You lot can utilise your old crib mattress to create a plush seat or "bed" for your office, a playroom, or in a infinite for your pets.

    • Make certain the mattress is in skilful condition without any stains, tears or foreign smells. Older mattresses may contain mold or mildew that can harm humans and pets.
    • Place the mattress onto a wooden frame for something more structured. You can also simply place it on the floor. Consider adding wheels if you'd like to move the costly bed around the firm.
    • Add a soft cover sheet and any blankets your family members or pets similar. Consider putting a little canopy over the mattress to make a cozy nook for reading or sleeping.


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