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Rebel Mechanics Book 3 Read Online Free

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Caroline Pearce No information technology is non! I asked the writer the same question and there is going to be at to the lowest degree one more subsequently this one. But there could be more than!

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 · 546 ratings  · 73 reviews
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Apr 06, 2017 rated information technology information technology was amazing
I love this series!! I have been eagerly awaiting this 3rd book of the Rebel Mechanics series and information technology did not disappoint. It had lots of action, lots of reveals, and still leaves y'all dying to know what happens side by side. I love Verity, the protagonist, simply I also love that other characters have of import roles and she doesn't have to carry all the action. Sometimes I hate/find it unbelievable that one primary grapheme saves the globe and comes up with all the solutions. She is definitely a catalyst wh I honey this serial!! I take been eagerly awaiting this tertiary volume of the Rebel Mechanics serial and it did not disappoint. It had lots of activeness, lots of reveals, and still leaves yous dying to know what happens next. I honey Verity, the protagonist, just I besides honey that other characters have important roles and she doesn't have to bear all the activeness. Sometimes I detest/observe it unbelievable that i main graphic symbol saves the globe and comes up with all the solutions. She is definitely a goad who makes things happen, simply she has plenty of stiff, clever friends helping her forth the way. My only complaint might exist that it was too short and I could easily accept read more. ...more than
Caroline Pearce
Best one yet! I'one thousand already so excited for the side by side one and I'll have to wait so long! That is the only complaint I have with this volume. Things actually start revving upwardly for the Rebels at present. Magisters and Mechanics akin are working together meliorate than ever and are recruiting many, with a lot of aid from one Miss Freedom Jones. And the government is having to acknowledge their existed and unrest at present. Which is putting people high upwardly in the government on edge. Verity is risking a lot and learning a l Best ane still! I'thousand already so excited for the next one and I'll have to wait and so long! That is the only complaint I have with this volume. Things really start revving upwardly for the Rebels now. Magisters and Mechanics alike are working together better than ever and are recruiting many, with a lot of assist from one Miss Liberty Jones. And the authorities is having to acknowledge their existed and unrest at present. Which is putting people high up in the authorities on border. Verity is risking a lot and learning a lot in this book and it is and then cracking to run across how the revolution grows. I won't spoil annihilation for you lot guys! But I will say that earlier I read this book I was worried we wouldn't get to run across a lot of Henry, who I love, based on the way the last book ended and I take to say I was happily surprised! So if anyone else was worried near that don't be! I don't know how many more books are planned for this serial yet, just I call up it could easily have more than i left. Which is good because that ways we get more from this globe merely the down side is that we'll accept to expect longer. But either way I'll be happy.

Now I'd like to have a second to talk about our heroine, considering, well she deserves it! Verity Newton, aka Liberty Jones, is admittedly amazing! She is incredibly brave, yet real, which makes her so much more likable. I will say that there were a few times where I felt she acted a picayune out of grapheme past being a little, how should we say, wussy. But it was merely a few, short times and I estimate it was more fitting for the time menstruum because most Victorian Era women weren't exactly known for their strength, which is annoying but it'south history. And Verity really proves them wrong with what she is willing to do and with what she does. There are also other strong female characters that rock as well, so that's actually nice to see.
The next office I'grand going to talk near will not give away spoilers but it might requite off hints so if y'all desire to be actually surprised and then I advise you don't read!

Nosotros learn more about some of the primary characters which is really great. One big matter, which I won't say, happens and I was so happy because I accept been waiting for it to happen since the first volume! I have had smashing suspicions. Hopefully that won't give abroad as well much. And Henry, oh Henry. I accept e'er really liked him and loved that he was a lilliputian reckless, merely dang. This book fabricated me question a fourth dimension or two if he merely wasn't stupid because of how bold and daring he was but at the same time I actually loved it! It kept things a little suspenseful and really fun! Plus, it reminds you of the risks that are having to be fabricated by true revolutionaries.

Overall, this book is really fun and I truly loved it! I just wish I knew someone who read information technology too so I could talk about information technology, because I could definitely say more. This is a great serial and I and then recommend it to anyone, especially if yous like historical fiction, fantasy, and/or take chances blazon of books. I can't wait to become the fourth book!

Jun eleven, 2017 rated information technology liked it
3.5 stars. This is the tertiary book in the Rebel Mechanics serial, an alternating history where the U.S. is even so under British control and those in power keep it with the use of magic. In this installment, Verity is notwithstanding a governess, still spying for the rebel mechanics, and still writing manufactures in favor of revolution in an effort to drum upwardly more support for information technology considering they know that it'south doomed to neglect unless people from all classes - including the magisters (those with magic) - support it and 3.5 stars. This is the third book in the Rebel Mechanics series, an alternate history where the U.S. is notwithstanding under British control and those in ability keep information technology with the utilize of magic. In this installment, Verity is still a governess, yet spying for the rebel mechanics, and still writing articles in favor of revolution in an try to drum up more support for it because they know that it's doomed to fail unless people from all classes - including the magisters (those with magic) - back up it and are willing to fight to overthrow the British and the whole magical class organisation.

I think this series is a lot of fun, just this volume was the weakest in information technology. The plot in here seemed thinner than usual, making the book experience as if it were one long scene (efforts to become out word that the revolution is about to kickoff and that independence has been declared) instead of a more than complex book with plots and subplots. It felt similar a lot of the potential action and details were glossed over and nearly read like a short story about a atypical event in an try to transition between the previous book and what I assume is the forthcoming volume.

While the volume overall was a little weaker than I'd hoped, there were still some overnice parts to information technology. Verity's family unit history is explored a little more in hither (a guess I'd made earlier was proved right!), and the potential romance between Verity and her employer (and magister and thus off-limits) was besides elaborated on a bit. And, of course, the whole idea that people are starting to become excited and broken-hearted for revolution, beginning to piece of work together, was interesting. I only wish I'd felt more excited reading about this!

I'm not sure how many books are supposed to be in this series; I thought it was a trilogy because only 3 books are out, but this volume ended on a chip of a cliff-hanger so there has to be at least one more than! I don't call up this volume necessarily stands strongly on its ain, just it was a decent enough read in this world that kept me entertained for a while.

Apr 05, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Rebels rejoice! Ms. Swendson is back with Volume Iii in the Rebel Mechanics/Rebel Magisters serial! You know, the alternate history 1 where the American Revolution starts in the 1880's
(instead of the 1770's) the rebels (at present in the Steampunk Era) accept machines (tin can you say hugger-mugger railroads & airships, among many others!) whereas the Brits have magic (estimate why the rebellion failed in 1776?)! Yes, that series!

Our intrepid governess Verity Newton (can anyone say Jane Austen!) has her hands

Rebels rejoice! Ms. Swendson is back with Book Three in the Rebel Mechanics/Insubordinate Magisters serial! You know, the alternate history one where the American Revolution starts in the 1880'south
(instead of the 1770's) the rebels (now in the Steampunk Era) take machines (can you say hugger-mugger railroads & airships, amid many others!) whereas the Brits have magic (guess why the rebellion failed in 1776?)! Yes, that series!

Our intrepid governess Verity Newton (can anyone say Jane Austen!) has her hands total again this time, of course. She'south upwardly to her eyeballs in intrigue (simply to make information technology more interesting, remember
she'south likewise (unknown to the Brits) Liberty Jones, the rebels' secret weapon, because she can write incendiary opposition newspaper articles & pamphlets which fuel the flames and keep the rebellion going strong!).

Again, I really accept enjoyed the character development in this young adult series. Fifty-fifty Miss Newton's charges immature Olive and Rollo get their moments!

And I adored the rebels' use of "culling lyrics" to Christmas carols as their way to spread their views amongst the colonial masses! Just a fellow choir singer would have come upwardly with this as a clever and surprisingly constructive tactic!

I and then love Goodreads. From the writer's Goodreads page: "And before anyone asks, yes, the series volition continue. I'k planning at least i more book." YAY! I am so delighted to be looking
frontward to the next Rebels book!!

I heartily recommend all three books in this series: Rebel Mechanics (2016 Alone Star List run across http://world wide, Rebel Magisters, and now Rebels Rising!

...more than
Aug 22, 2017 rated it it was astonishing
Came domicile from the library where I work and finished the volume in one sitting. I actually enjoyed it; obviously. Just whoever does Swendson's marketing needs to step it upwards. I already have a await list for this book once it goes in to circulation. None of the magazines I read (VOYA, SLJ) had annihilation about it coming out. Totally missed it in April! Came home from the library where I work and finished the volume in i sitting. I actually enjoyed it; plainly. But whoever does Swendson's marketing needs to step it up. I already have a expect list for this book one time it goes in to apportionment. None of the magazines I read (VOYA, SLJ) had anything about information technology coming out. Totally missed information technology in April! ...more than

The 3rd book ended with the possibility of a 4th book.
The 3 books in the serial moved at a quick stride and though may be considered 'young developed', were enjoyable past an older adult.

Nov 13, 2017 rated information technology really liked it

The third book in the Rebels series picks up soon after the second book with Vertiy standing to work with both the rebel magisters and the insubordinate mechanics. Lord Henry is in hiding after escaping prison. Meanwhile, the revolution is building. I like Verity and how potent she is, she is taking risks by working every bit a spy as well as writing political pieces nether an alias. I like her interactions with the children she is governess for. I really like her interactions with Lord Henry and how they


The third volume in the Rebels serial picks up presently later the second book with Vertiy standing to work with both the rebel magisters and the insubordinate mechanics. Lord Henry is in hiding after escaping prison. Meanwhile, the revolution is building. I like Verity and how strong she is, she is taking risks past working as a spy equally well as writing political pieces under an alias. I like her interactions with the children she is governess for. I really like her interactions with Lord Henry and how they are trying to pause the barriers that divide them. This is an alternating history book that is taking the Revolutionary War and imaging what could take been if things occurred differently.

This has been a fun series to read so far. I wait forrad to the next book in the series.

Jun 27, 2018 rated information technology it was astonishing

Rebels Rising was just as strong as the previous installments. I daresay it had more than of its elements than its predecessors- the espionage, historical references, activity, and romance. At that place was i item revelation that I didn't see coming and the longer I idea most it, I was surprised I didn't connect the dots earlier. Thankfully, I got to see every bit much of Henry every bit I did in the first and second book.😅

I don't empathise why so few readers have read these books. Maybe it's the amount of pub

Rebels Rising was just as strong every bit the previous installments. I daresay it had more of its elements than its predecessors- the espionage, historical references, activeness, and romance. There was one detail revelation that I didn't come across coming and the longer I idea virtually it, I was surprised I didn't connect the dots earlier. Thankfully, I got to see as much of Henry as I did in the first and second book.😅

I don't empathise why so few readers have read these books. Maybe it's the amount of publicity information technology's getting? Whatever the reason is, this serial is underrated and I encourage more than people to try the first book out.

I'll read the fourth installment, though I imagine information technology will be at least a twelvemonth or two before information technology releases.

May 11, 2017 rated it actually liked it
Volume #3 in the Rebel Mechanics series nonetheless has me invested and entertained! This ane covers an alt-history await at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and has our woman Verity in a central position regarding its delivery.

The activeness in this 1 is well paced, and I feel more comfortable with the balance between revolution and romance. There is a somewhat obvious reveal regarding Verity's past, and while it's good to take it confirmed, the reactions are somewhat heavy handed considering of i

Book #3 in the Rebel Mechanics series however has me invested and entertained! This i covers an alt-history wait at the signing of the Announcement of Independence, and has our woman Verity in a central position regarding its delivery.

The action in this one is well paced, and I experience more comfortable with the residual between revolution and romance. At that place is a somewhat obvious reveal regarding Verity's by, and while information technology'due south skillful to accept it confirmed, the reactions are somewhat heavy handed because of its obviousness. (Granted, the characters should probably exist surprised and treat it with gravity; I personally just felt very meh about it as a reveal.)

The globe continues to grow and entertain. It's also overnice that Verity revisits some locations we know from previous books, but we see them in new means now that the military has more of a presence and they're focused more on suppressing revolutionaries. There'southward a new tension in the prose that perfectly underscores this change.

I have 1 quibble that really threw me out of the cease. In that location's a sequence in which Verity is escaping along a steep hill and the geography is extremely disruptive. It read to me similar the capacity didn't see enough editorial review, or that whomever was reviewing it, wasn't looking very hard at description and continuity. (There is another continuity mistake earlier in which 2 events either happen nighttime/next morning time or nighttime/a full twenty-four hour period later.) This might not carp other people as much every bit it does me, so only go along in mind that I spend a lot of time overanalyzing my own clarification.

There'southward clearly at least 1 more than book coming in this series, and I can't look to read it.

...more than
Jacky Faber
I have stopped reading "Rebel Ascent" for the time being. It has simply get too boring. The heroine (I can't even remember here proper name at the moment) is too cautious, proper, and yeah, Deadening. Thus, the novel has become boring. There is also little action. How can there be a revolution when the primary protagonists are and so cautious and their deportment are also timid. I was expecting more excitement in this installment. Alas, there is very little.
I take stopped reading "Rebel Rising" for the fourth dimension existence. It has simply become besides irksome. The heroine (I can't even recollect hither name at the moment) is besides cautious, proper, and yes, BORING. Thus, the novel has become boring. At that place is too petty activity. How can at that place be a revolution when the chief protagonists are and so cautious and their actions are too timid. I was expecting more excitement in this installment. Alas, there is very little.
Mar 26, 2020 rated it information technology was amazing
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view information technology, click here. I loved, loved, loved everything about this book! I know I've said that near the other 2 but I do! I love how these take magic but yet it's light and fluffy. I love every character! I want to know all of Elinor's secrets. There are so many things we notwithstanding don't know!

I was missing Henry for a while but loved when he made his first appearance even though I was as mad as Verity. I just knew he was going to go defenseless! I never would've expected Verity to exist the governor'southward girl!! That was a sh

I loved, loved, loved everything most this volume! I know I've said that almost the other two but I do! I dear how these have magic but however it'due south light and fluffy. I beloved every grapheme! I want to know all of Elinor's secrets. There are and then many things we however don't know!

I was missing Henry for a while simply loved when he fabricated his offset appearance even though I was as mad as Verity. I just knew he was going to get caught! I never would've expected Verity to exist the governor's girl!! That was a stupor for me. I contemplated the idea when a soldier said something to Olive virtually Verity existence her sister but I knew there was no manner. I besides tin can't wait until Henry finds out that Mrs. Talbot was a spy in the house, simply for Elinor. That cracked me up and he is definitely going to love information technology. Elinor but kept surprising me with her knowledge of everything. I was glad to run across more banter and interaction between her and Verity. They are two peas in a pod. Not know who isElinor'south fellow is really driving me crazy. I'k hoping we find out in the next one.

I love how things were heating upwardly in this i. Especially signing the Annunciation and handing it to the governor. Then Henry gets shot, which, let'southward confront it, we all knew was going to happen. He does have a bad addiction of turning up with a gunshot wound of some sort. I was thinking how far nosotros have come over three books and I will be intrigued to run across what events unfold in the quaternary. Long gone are the days Verity's but concern was delivering articles to the rebels sneaking in and out of the house.

The fourth book needs to come up out soon! I need to know what happens next!

Equally things heat up with the Rebels, Verity has to effort to maintain appearances all while her home is nether surveillance and she's being followed everywhere she goes. In the mean time, she has no idea what's going on with the movement or even if Henry is safe (no news is good news?).

As the rebel motility comes to a climax, nosotros learn more than about all of the characters and their motivations: the children's Aunt E, Flora, the rebels, and we acquire more most Verity's past.

There's a significant twist right

As things oestrus upwardly with the Rebels, Verity has to try to maintain appearances all while her home is under surveillance and she's being followed everywhere she goes. In the mean fourth dimension, she has no idea what's going on with the motility or even if Henry is prophylactic (no news is proficient news?).

As the rebel movement comes to a climax, we learn more than almost all of the characters and their motivations: the children's Aunt East, Flora, the rebels, and we learn more about Verity'due south past.

There'southward a significant twist correct almost the end that changes things...and makes the revolution essential to Verity's future happiness.

(view spoiler)[ Verity's male parent is the governor...did not see that one coming. And just as she learns she has a family--that E is her sister and the children are her nieces and nephew--she learns that as his girl she'south likely the simply person that might get away afterward giving the governor the rebel'south deceleration of independence. In doing and so she loses her role as governess and is a fugitive until the revolution is resolved. They must exist successful--both and then she can be with her family unit then she can exist with Henry as a magister/one-half-magister pair. (hide spoiler)]

I wonder how this series will's so hard to illustrate the extent of a revolution in a few books. It'south taken 3 books to get to this breaking point. The whole revolution will certainly exist more complicated. I am very interested to see how Swendson wraps things upward...

Cindy Mitchell *Kiss the Book*
Swendson, Shanna Rebels Rising (Rebels #iii), 292 pages. NLA Digital, 2017. $15 (Amazon). Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: PG

Verity, in her role of reporter Freedom Jones, has brought public scorn and suspicion onto the head of the Colonial regime, bringing the Rebel Mechanics and the Rebel Magisters to the point where if they work together, they might be able to accept the backing to gratuitous themselves from England's rule. Henry is nonetheless on the run, but he may have to risk coming dorsum to

Swendson, Shanna Rebels Rise (Rebels #three), 292 pages. NLA Digital, 2017. $xv (Amazon). Linguistic communication: Thousand; Mature Content: One thousand; Violence: PG

Verity, in her role of reporter Freedom Jones, has brought public scorn and suspicion onto the head of the Colonial government, bringing the Rebel Mechanics and the Rebel Magisters to the signal where if they piece of work together, they might exist able to have the backing to free themselves from England's rule. Henry is still on the run, only he may take to adventure coming back to the city to help maneuver the rebellion. And Verity will have to make her identity known, non only to all of the rebels, just also to those for whom she cares.

Swendson'south steampunk is spot on fun! While there is some romance, it is not the main focus of the novels (which is the way I prefer information technology). I don't know why Farrar doesn't impress these any more – go ahead and get number 2 and 3 through Amazon – they are well worth it!

MS, HS – ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library Instructor

Madlin Sander
Sep xiii, 2017 rated it information technology was amazing
Rebels Rising.... Wow. But wow, I often retrieve of when I offset picked up "The Rebel Mechanics". I virtually didn't read it. But I did. I was instantly captivated in the story and now I'm hooked! The story fared well throughout the whole book. I can say before much of the action began I grew bored, merely that doesn't mean it wasn't adept! Merely the calm earlier the storm... The item work in this story is incredible, it never left fourth dimension for breaks! In one case the action picks up, it but increases. I am also Rebels Rise.... Wow. Only wow, I often think of when I get-go picked up "The Rebel Mechanics". I almost didn't read information technology. But I did. I was instantly captivated in the story and now I'm hooked! The story fared well throughout the whole book. I tin can say before much of the activity began I grew bored, but that doesn't hateful information technology wasn't proficient! Just the calm before the storm... The detail work in this story is incredible, information technology never left time for breaks! Once the action picks upwards, it only increases. I am also pleased to say the ending was wonderful, and that Henry and Verity'due south human relationship proper picks up again! I simply cannot wait to meet their relationship keep to abound. I would recommend this book, and series, to any and everyone! It has everything that y'all could ever desire in a book, romance, mystery, action, history, spying, drama, fantasy, and so so much more! ...more
Sydney (booksofkings)
Warning: This is non the last book of the serial and man did i wish i know that going into the story. I honestly idea for a good portion of Rebels Rising that information technology would wrap up all the loose ends...non so much.

Rebels Rising is the third story of the Rebel Mechanics series past Shanna Swendson where the original American Revolution went very differently because the English armies and upperclass had magic.

By now nosotros have already met the Rebel Mechanics and the Rebel Magisters and learned all bout t

Alarm: This is not the final book of the series and man did i wish i know that going into the story. I honestly idea for a good portion of Rebels Rising that information technology would wrap up all the loose ends...not so much.

Rebels Rise is the third story of the Insubordinate Mechanics serial by Shanna Swendson where the original American Revolution went very differently because the English armies and upperclass had magic.

By at present we take already met the Insubordinate Mechanics and the Rebel Magisters and learned all bout the plight of the people. THose with magical powers are in ability and seen as the upperclass and those without power are the lower class. But of course not everythign is peachy keen. There are rebels wihtin both circles who are unhappy with their rulers on the other side of the ocean and the taxes.

Rebels RIsings finds Verity and the household she works for under scrutiny after Henry escapes and is on the run. Both Rebel parties are eager to amp up uprising plans by potentialy forming an aliance with one some other. Verity in the mean time spies on the goings of the Governer and sends tips to the insubordinate movements.

Information technology has been a while since i read books 1 & two but I was able to get right back into the story within the first couple capacity. I love where the plot is going, even though i still have to wait for the actual conclusion in hopefully book four.

At that place weren't actually whatsoever new characters, merely the dynamics of the ones nosotros take already been introduced to have grown and a delight to read. THere are some twists that appear in book 3 that are a fun surprise and really add another layer to Verity'due south journey.

Tin can't look to see where the rebels are taken in book 4.

Genesis Haruno Takahashi
And and so the revaluation continues with Freedom Jones at the head. In this book, you are already familiar with the rebel mechanics and Magisters and are now beingness moved frontwards in the revolution. I thought it was a very interesting volume and, in my stance, extremely artistic. Although the characters were well written, each book is starting to feel the same. Verity becomes more involved, dangerous things happen, the revolution is inched forward. Over and over once again. Hopefully Shannon switches it up And and then the revaluation continues with Liberty Jones at the head. In this volume, you are already familiar with the rebel mechanics and Magisters and are at present being moved forrad in the revolution. I idea it was a very interesting book and, in my opinion, extremely creative. Although the characters were well written, each volume is starting to feel the same. Verity becomes more involved, dangerous things happen, the revolution is inched forward. Over and over once more. Hopefully Shannon switches it up before long. And some other thing is that the author doesn't depict scenery very well and so at times it'due south but talking which is slightly boring. Other than those things, I LOVED the characters. Henry is, by far, my favorite. They all seem very realistic and the fourth dimension menstruum is well written. ...more
Either it is the worst trilogy ending always, or it is "but the offset." From what I can discover, Swendson planned this as a trilogy, and here'south the third volume, and... Well, information technology's okay, simply information technology felt mostly like a filler to me, and definitely unfinished. This volume covers the fourth dimension just post-obit Henry's arrest, equally rebellion is heating up in the colonies. However, it feels like the book ends simply equally things are really getting started. I actually expected Swendson to see the rebellion to its decision an Either it is the worst trilogy catastrophe ever, or information technology is "only the first." From what I can detect, Swendson planned this as a trilogy, and hither's the third book, and... Well, information technology's okay, but information technology felt generally like a filler to me, and definitely unfinished. This book covers the time just post-obit Henry's arrest, as rebellion is heating up in the colonies. Nevertheless, it feels like the volume ends just as things are actually getting started. I actually expected Swendson to come across the rebellion to its determination and leave us with a more settled picture; instead, she left several loose ends but dangling. She'd improve have decided to write another book for this series, or I'll be permanently bellyaching. ...more than
Melissa's Bookshelf
I really liked this tertiary book in the series. I wavered between 3 and iv stars. Ultimately, I felt similar this volume was filler until the fourth volume comes out. It feels like the series is being stretched out a piddling too long. I love the characters though and several of the twists that I predicted in the first 2 books are addressed here. The revolution is finally off to a start and some of the secrets that people have been hiding are coming out. Then, I enjoyed this book, just am highly anticipating I really liked this third book in the series. I wavered between iii and four stars. Ultimately, I felt like this book was filler until the 4th book comes out. Information technology feels similar the series is being stretched out a little too long. I love the characters though and several of the twists that I predicted in the first 2 books are addressed hither. The revolution is finally off to a commencement and some of the secrets that people have been hiding are coming out. Then, I enjoyed this book, but am highly anticipating the fourth volume! ...more
February 25, 2018 rated it liked it
I was hoping this volume would wrap up the series.. I really like Shanna Swendson's books and I take enjoyed this series but I like to get to the finish and was expecting that to happen in this volume. I would rather have Henry and Verity'due south story wrap upward (happily ever later on) and read additional books on side characters than have their story continue going on.
And this is silly but I was disappointed in the cover of the book. I loved the covers of the the showtime ii in the series and wish they would have con
I was hoping this book would wrap upward the series.. I really like Shanna Swendson'due south books and I take enjoyed this series only I like to go to the end and was expecting that to happen in this volume. I would rather have Henry and Verity'southward story wrap up (happily ever afterward) and read boosted books on side characters than take their story keep going on.
And this is silly but I was disappointed in the embrace of the book. I loved the covers of the the offset two in the serial and wish they would accept connected the design on this book.
Apr 06, 2019 rated it really liked information technology
In the tertiary installment of the Rebel Mechanics nosotros are back with Verity and post-obit her equally she continues her work as a governess and spy. Afterwards the events of the final book, war seems like a existent possibility. I loved the expansion of the world in this book and how we visited other cities. Verity continued to grow in her function and stayed truthful to herself as the world inverse around her. I really enjoy the romance side of things in this series too and would dearest if we had a chance to see the ma In the 3rd installment of the Rebel Mechanics we are back with Verity and post-obit her as she continues her work as a governess and spy. Later the events of the terminal volume, state of war seems like a existent possibility. I loved the expansion of the world in this book and how we visited other cities. Verity connected to grow in her role and stayed truthful to herself every bit the earth inverse around her. I actually enjoy the romance side of things in this series likewise and would beloved if we had a chance to run across the main leads interact even more. I swoon over this couple so hard. They are adorable. ...more
Jessica Knutson
I oasis't enjoyed a series this much in a long fourth dimension! The get-go volume was more romantic, and then to discover that the writer doesn't do romantic moments themselves very well... simply she does manage to evoke emotions! There is a lot of detail in the 2d and third books that was a piddling dull, merely there was so much that was well-thought! It was definitely worth the read. If the series was more than a trilogy, I would devotedly continue reading. I had the good fortune to exist able to read the whole I haven't enjoyed a series this much in a long fourth dimension! The offset book was more romantic, and and then to discover that the author doesn't do romantic moments themselves very well... but she does manage to evoke emotions! There is a lot of detail in the second and third books that was a lilliputian irksome, only there was so much that was well-thought! Information technology was definitely worth the read. If the serial was more than a trilogy, I would devotedly continue reading. I had the good fortune to be able to read the whole series back to back, equally they were all immediately available on Libby. ...more than
Aug 21, 2017 rated it actually liked it
I have really liked this series. The characters are well rounded and likable, it doesn't fall into the dreaded love triangle, and the characters are worried about more than who likes who - and they are actually more than concerned virtually working together to fix their world! Our heroine comes off as a existent woman who isn't a Mary Sue. She knows and understands her limits and she is reasonable in her actions and her expectations of others. I similar it. I have really liked this series. The characters are well rounded and likable, it doesn't fall into the dreaded love triangle, and the characters are worried about more than who likes who - and they are really more concerned about working together to fix their world! Our heroine comes off as a existent adult female who isn't a Mary Sue. She knows and understands her limits and she is reasonable in her deportment and her expectations of others. I like it. ...more
Amy Aelleah
Jul 03, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I honey this alternating accept on the American Revolution, simply beyond all that - and my adoration for the characters - I love how many potent women are in this story. They are not taking a backseat and nearly all of Verity's close friends are women of import to the plot. (In fact, too her beloved interest, I'd say that the women are all more than plot relevant than the men.) I dearest this alternate take on the American Revolution, but beyond all that - and my adoration for the characters - I love how many potent women are in this story. They are not taking a backseat and near all of Verity's close friends are women of import to the plot. (In fact, as well her love interest, I'd say that the women are all more than plot relevant than the men.) ...more
Rachel Dolphin
This book was incredible. Verity is so strong and powerful and a joy to read about. When I read this book I am sucked into the story and I cannot break out of information technology. I feel as if I am truly living the story. The connections between different people are truly incredible and I retrieve it was genius. The ambiguous catastrophe is great, but I'm left hoping that another book will exist written in the series.
Well it's definitely been a chip since I read the showtime 2 books so I don't remember everything. I practise recall all the chief characters though.
I did like the story, it was interesting enough that I wanted to proceed reading but I wasn't hooked similar other books.
The romance is merely meh but I exercise like Henry and Verity.
It's a make clean read and a lite hearted one so I'll go on reading this serial.
Apr 08, 2021 rated it it was amazing
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view information technology, click here. When I tell you that this book was bully *smiles intensely* AHHHH! This book was SO GOOD. Verity and Henry finally got together, even though Henry was "in disguise" with his glasses and coat. Verity not figuring that out was kind of a letdown merely the final battle with her and Henry was *INHALES* so good. This book is different from any book I've read and information technology should definitely be more popular. When I tell yous that this volume was great *smiles intensely* AHHHH! This book was Then GOOD. Verity and Henry finally got together, even though Henry was "in disguise" with his glasses and coat. Verity not figuring that out was kind of a letdown but the final boxing with her and Henry was *INHALES* so good. This book is dissimilar from whatever book I've read and it should definitely be more than popular. ...more
Sep 17, 2017 rated it really liked it
This isn't the terminal volume in the series! second series in a row that I've been startled to realize in that location will be more than than three books! While I am delighted to take more adventures with Verity and Henry, I'thousand not excited about waiting for the adjacent book. This isn't the final book in the series! 2nd series in a row that I've been startled to realize there will exist more than 3 books! While I am delighted to take more adventures with Verity and Henry, I'm not excited about waiting for the next book. ...more
Oct 24, 2017 rated it liked it
I thought this was going to be the terminal book so I was disappointed when information technology wasn't. At present that the revolution has truly begun how many more books volition there be? You may want to wait until this series has ended before first to read the books. I thought this was going to be the last book so I was disappointed when it wasn't. Now that the revolution has truly begun how many more books will at that place be? You may want to wait until this serial has ended before beginning to read the books. ...more
Once upon a time ...

A niggling girl learned to amuse herself by making up stories in her head. She turned everyday activities into exciting adventures, and she fabricated up new adventures for characters from her favorite movies, Television shows and books. So one day she realized that if she wrote downwards those stories, she'd have a book! Only that was crazy, she thought. Existent people don't become novelists. That westward

Once upon a time ...

A little girl learned to amuse herself by making upwardly stories in her head. She turned everyday activities into exciting adventures, and she made up new adventures for characters from her favorite movies, TV shows and books. Then one twenty-four hours she realized that if she wrote down those stories, she'd have a volume! But that was crazy, she idea. Real people don't become novelists. That was similar deciding you were going to be a movie star. You couldn't but get and do it.

But, it turns out, you can, and she did. She realized her dream of becoming a novelist and seeing her stories in bookstores.

And so she started to wig herself out by writing about herself in the third-person.

This is her story.

The Novelist's Journey

As I said above in that bit of silliness, I've e'er been a writer at heart. My favorite way to play was to create stories and act them out with my Fisher-Price people, my Barbie dolls or myself and a box of play clothes. If none of those things were bachelor, I could only sit down and brand up stories in my head. I occasionally got into trouble for existence a little as well creative, such as the time when I embellished a bit on my kindergarten experiences (where's the dramatic hook in coloring, cut out and pasting?).

When I was in seventh grade and a bit erstwhile for Fisher-Price people, Barbie dolls or the clothes-up box, I started writing these stories down in spiral notebooks. Later, I constitute an sometime transmission typewriter, taught myself to type, and so wrote a lot of first capacity of novels on information technology. I still hadn't figured out how to actually be a working novelist who gets paid for writing (finishing a book instead of writing a lot of commencement capacity might have been a good commencement), and then when it came time to go to college, I went to journalism school at the Academy of Texas. While getting my degree in broadcast news, I managed to structure a curriculum that might also help me in my real career plans. I took fencing (which I idea would exist useful for writing fantasy novels), an astronomy course on the search for extraterrestrial life (in case I wanted to write science fiction), psychology, interpersonal communication, and parageography (the geography of imaginary lands).

I got serious nigh pursuing my novel-writing ambitions before long after I got my first job in public relations (Tv reporting, it turns out, would have taken away from my writing time) when I started joining local writing organizations and reading books on how to write a novel. So I took the large step of registering for a writing conference. With the registration fee, you could enter ii manuscripts in a contest that went with the conference. I figured if I was paying that much coin, I'd get the most out of information technology, then I wrote two entries. At the conference, I met a real, alive editor, who encouraged me to submit, and one of my entries won the science fiction/fantasy category of the contest. I hurried to finish the novel the editor had asked for, then mailed a proposal.

She ended up rejecting the book, but encouraged me to keep trying. I ended up selling that novel elsewhere, so sold ii more books to that publisher earlier I had another idea for that original editor. That volume ended up selling, and so 1 more than.

And then I hitting the wall. Due to a number of circumstances, some of which weren't my fault and some of which were, I didn't sell anything else for eight years. But then I had the idea that became Enchanted, Inc., I wrote it, sold it, and here I am.

Other Life Stuff

I think I need to get a few more than hobbies or something else going on in my life that isn't related to reading or writing because currently my bio in my books is shorter than the "well-nigh the typeface" section. Aye, a typeface has a more than interesting life than I practice.

When I'm not writing, I'g well-nigh often reading. Otherwise, I enjoy watching science fiction TV shows and then discussing them on the Internet, working crossw


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