Geotechnical Engineering Calculations and Rules of Thumb Edition No 2
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Geotechnical engineering calculations and rules of thumb
Publisher: | Oxford, UK : Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier, [2015] ©2016 |
Edition/Format: | ![]() |
Summary: | "Geotechnical Engineering Calculations and Rules of Thumb, Second Edition, offers geotechnical, civil and structural engineers a concise, easy-to-understand approach to selecting the right formula and solving even most difficult calculations in geotechnical engineering. A "quick look up guide", this book places formulas and calculations at the reader's finger tips. In this book, theories are explained in a "nutshell" and then the calculation is presented and solved in an illustrated, step-by-step fashion. In its first part, the book covers the fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering: Soil investigation, condition and theoretical concepts. In the second part it addresses Shallow Foundations, including bearing capacity, elastic settlement, foundation reinforcement, grillage design, footings, geogrids, tie and grade beams, and drainage. This session ends with a chapter on selecting foundation types. The next part covers Earth Retaining Structures and contains chapters on its basic concepts and types, gabion walls and reinforced earth walls. The following part covers Geotechnical Engineering Strategies providing coverage of softwares, instrumentation, excavations, raft design, rock mechanics, dip angle and strike, rock stabilization equipment, soil anchors, tunnel design, seismology, geosynthetics, and slurry cutoff walls. The final part is on Pile Foundations including content on design on sandy soils, clay soils, pin piles, negative skin friction, caissons and pile clusters. In this new and updated edition the author has incorporated new software calculation tools, current techniques for foundation design, liquefaction information, seismic studies, laboratory soil tests, geophysical techniques, new concepts for foundation design and Dam designs. All calculations have been updated to most current material characteristics available in the market. Practicing Geotechnical, Civil and Structural Engineers may find in this book an excellent companion to their day-to day work, benefiting from the clear and direct calculations, examples, and cases. Civil Engineering students may find particular interest in the concise theory presented in the beginning of each chapter"--Publisher's website. Read more... |
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Genre/Form: | Electronic books |
Additional Physical Format: | Print version: Rajapakse, Ruwan. Geotechnical engineering calculations and rules of thumb. Oxford, UK : Butterworth-Heinemann, [2016] (OCoLC)936344519 |
Material Type: | Document, Internet resource |
Document Type: | Internet Resource, Computer File |
All Authors / Contributors: | Ruwan Rajapakse
ISBN: | 9780128046487 0128046481 |
OCLC Number: | 930023646 |
Description: | 1 online resource : illustrations |
Contents: | Geotechnical Engineering Fundamentals. Geology and geotechnical engineering ; Site investigation ; Groundwater ; Soil laboratory testing ; Geotechnical engineering theoretical concepts -- Shallow foundations. Shallow foundations fundamentals ; Bearing capacity : rules of thumb ; Bearing capacity computation (general equation for cohesive and noncohesive soils) ; Elastic settlement of shallow foundations ; Foundation reinforcement design ; Grillage design ; Footings subjected to bending moment ; Geogrids ; Tie beams and grade beams ; Drainage for shallow foundations ; Selection of foundation type ; Consolidation settlement of foundations ; Secondary compression ; Seismic design of shallow foundations -- Earth retaining structures. Earth retaining structures ; Gravity walls : sand backfill ; Cantilever walls ; Gabion walls ; Reinforced earth walls ; Structural design of retaining walls -- Geotechnical engineering strategies. Geotechnical engineering software ; Geotechnical instrumentation ; Unbraced excavations ; Braced excavations ; Raft design ; Rock mechanics and foundation design in rock ; Dip angle and strike ; Rock bolts, dowels, and cable bolts ; Soil anchors ; Tunnel design ; Geosynthetics in geotechnical engineering ; Slurry cutoff walls ; Earthwork ; Mass-haul diagrams -- Pile foundations. Pile foundations ; Pile design in sandy soils ; Pile design in clay soils ; Pile installation and verification ; Design of pin piles : semiempirical approach ; Neutral plane concept and negative skin friction ; Design of caissons ; Design of pile groups. Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Part 1 -- Geotechnical Engineering Fundamentals; 1 -- Geology and geotechnical engineering; 1.1 -- Introduction; 1.2 -- Strength of soils; 1.2.1 -- Friction; 1.2.2 -- Cohesion; -- Gravel, sand, silt, and clay; -- Pure silt has no cohesion; 1.3 -- Origin of rocks and sand; 1.3.1 -- Earth cools down; 1.3.2 -- Rock weathering; 1.4 -- Rock types; 1.4.1 -- Igneous rocks; 1.4.2 -- Sedimentary rocks; 1.4.3 -- Metamorphic rocks; -- Formation of metamorphic rocks; 1.5 -- Soil strata types; 1.5.1 -- Water; -- Alluvial deposits (river beds) -- Marine deposits1.5.1.3 -- Lacustrine deposits (lakebeds); 1.5.2 -- Wind deposits (eolian deposits); 1.5.3 -- Glacial deposits; -- Characteristics of glacial till (moraine); -- Glacio-fluvial deposits; -- Glacio-lacustrine deposits; -- Glacio-marine deposits; 1.5.4 -- Colluvial deposits; 1.5.5 -- Residual soil (weathered in situ soil); 2 -- Site investigation; 2.1 -- Cohesion; 2.2 -- Friction; 2.2.1 -- Measurement of friction; 2.2.2 -- Measurement of cohesion; 2.3 -- Origin of a project; 2.4 -- Geotechnical investigation procedures; 2.5 -- Literature survey 2.5.1 -- Adjacent property owners2.5.2 -- Aerial surveys; 2.6 -- Field visit; 2.6.1 -- Hand auguring; 2.6.2 -- Sloping ground; 2.6.3 -- Nearby structures; 2.6.4 -- Contaminated soils; 2.6.5 -- Underground utilities; 2.6.6 -- Overhead power lines; 2.6.7 -- Man-made fill areas; 2.6.8 -- Field-visit checklist; 2.7 -- Geophysics; 2.7.1 -- GPR methods; -- General methodology; -- Single borehole GPR; -- Crosshole GPR; 2.7.2 -- Seismic method; -- Down hole seismic testing; -- Crosshole seismic testing; 2.8 -- Subsurface investigation phase; 2.8.1 -- Soil strata identification 2.12.1 -- Measurements obtained2.12.2 -- Friction ratio; 2.13 -- Pressuremeter testing; 2.14 -- Dilatometer testing; 2.15 -- SPT-CPT correlations; References; 3 -- Groundwater; 3.1 -- Vertical distribution of groundwater; 3.2 -- Aquifers, aquicludes, aquifuges, and aquitards; 3.3 -- Piezometers; 3.3.1 -- Piezometric surface versus groundwater level; 3.3.2 -- Aquitard under pressure; 3.3.3 -- Vertical upward groundwater flow; 3.3.4 -- Vertical groundwater flow; 3.3.5 -- Monitoring wells; 3.3.6 -- Aquifers with artesian pressure; 4 -- Soil laboratory testing; 4.1 -- Sieve analysis; 4.1.1 -- D60; 4.1.2 -- Find D30 4.2 -- Hydrometer |
Responsibility: | Ruwan Rajapakse. |
"Geotechnical Engineering Calculations and Rules of Thumb, Second Edition, offers geotechnical, civil and structural engineers a concise, easy-to-understand approach to selecting the right formula and solving even most difficult calculations in geotechnical engineering. A "quick look up guide", this book places formulas and calculations at the reader's finger tips. In this book, theories are explained in a "nutshell" and then the calculation is presented and solved in an illustrated, step-by-step fashion. In its first part, the book covers the fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering: Soil investigation, condition and theoretical concepts. In the second part it addresses Shallow Foundations, including bearing capacity, elastic settlement, foundation reinforcement, grillage design, footings, geogrids, tie and grade beams, and drainage. This session ends with a chapter on selecting foundation types. The next part covers Earth Retaining Structures and contains chapters on its basic concepts and types, gabion walls and reinforced earth walls. The following part covers Geotechnical Engineering Strategies providing coverage of softwares, instrumentation, excavations, raft design, rock mechanics, dip angle and strike, rock stabilization equipment, soil anchors, tunnel design, seismology, geosynthetics, and slurry cutoff walls. The final part is on Pile Foundations including content on design on sandy soils, clay soils, pin piles, negative skin friction, caissons and pile clusters. In this new and updated edition the author has incorporated new software calculation tools, current techniques for foundation design, liquefaction information, seismic studies, laboratory soil tests, geophysical techniques, new concepts for foundation design and Dam designs. All calculations have been updated to most current material characteristics available in the market. Practicing Geotechnical, Civil and Structural Engineers may find in this book an excellent companion to their day-to day work, benefiting from the clear and direct calculations, examples, and cases. Civil Engineering students may find particular interest in the concise theory presented in the beginning of each chapter"--Publisher's website.
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